Monday, November 29, 2010

From Kiel- November 29

    Pretty amazing week in Kiel... pretty cold too haha. I´ve always loved the cold weather, but i dont think i ever factored humidity in to the equation and being on the coasts of the Baltic Sea. Out on the outskirt of town where we´ve done most of our work it was getting to be around -12 degrees. Celsius that is, i dont know exactly how to equate that quite yet. That´s pretty cold to street contact in 6 hours a day! But it´s been good, i cant complain. Tons of snow has been fun. The people here get so mad when it snows, it´s so funny. It makes driving a bit more interesting too. Ya and im speaking from personal experience! First week here and i accomplished one of my mission goals, i totally drove on the Autobahn!!! It was so sick. Driving was way scary at first but i got it down. it was so much fun! We drive Opals here, they´re actually pretty nice little cars. Most all of them are red, it´s pretty cool.  The german countryside was just hills and forests covered in snow, i definitely need to get some pictures. I´ve been terrrible with pictures.
     The work has been rolling forward here tho! We have 4 investigators already! We are actually posting some pretty good numbers, i think we tought 14 lessons last week or something? We´ve being seeing the fruits of street contacting all day long that first week. Are goal is to pick up 7 more investigators this week, that would be intense and amazing. We have like 30 something contacts we´ve been working through, but we had a lot of appointments fall out this week. I guess that´s normal, in fact we´ve been doing better than normal i guess. Ha i dont know im just a Golden! But that´s a good kind of ignorance.:) So our first investigator is named UB, she´s a russian lady, like 53 or something we found doing Area book work with the ghetto half of the area book the zone leaders gave us. We teach her tonight actually. She´s an ex jw and man they really messed her up, She´s got a lot of stuff to work through, and she´s a tought project, but she LOVES meeting with us and we can do work with her. Next is Frau S. She´s an Elderly lady who had brain clots and actually had to learn everything she´s ever learned over again. She openly acknowledges God in her life, and she was fascinated by our message,  we meet her again tomorrow and it should be a solid lesson. Then we have the miracle investigator, this is one of the dearest stories to me. Typing wont do it justice and i have to condensce it, but i´ll try. One of our first days here we made an appointment with a young man named Antoine to meet at the church. We didnt know where the church was at the time and we didnt know it was a bit of a journey to get there. Basically it didnt look promising at all. But we have to keep all our appointments, even though it seemed like a waste of time to go all the way out there during prime Tur zu Tur time. But anyways we had faith we´d see a miracle and we left anyways. On the bus trip out there a girl sat across the aisle from me. Elder B and I where speaking a little English with eachother and i felt like she was watching us and trying to listen in a bit. I felt like i should talk to her. We finished our conversation and then we came to the stop. I turned to look at her and she was already right next to me. She looked at my tag and said "i know your church" in perfect english. We started talking and she said she walked by our church to her house almost every day. She´s a student here living with her aunt and uncle.  We saide we were actually going to the church right now and Elder B asked if she´s like to come inside and have a look. She was a bit scared at first, she said she´s heard lots of weird things about Mormons, but she came in and we had a great tour and visit. We asked if she´s like to come to church tomorrow and she said why not. We were going to go get döners because we had a great day contacting, but we decided to fast and pray that night that she´d come to church. The next day came and sure enought she walked in the door 5 minutes early! It was amazing. (Sundays are game days here in the field. We had 3 people supposidly coming and your nerves are just shot waiting.) She really enjoyed sacrament meeting and she said she´d like to go to Sunday school. Ha which was funny because when we saw the topic for the new investigato class we saw Keuschheit... or chastity. But she ended up liking it fine. She had to go somewhere so she couldnt stay for the last meeting but she´s excited to start coming to institute and we´re going to start meeting with her! She´s so solid! We´re hoping for great things with her. It´s funny how to Lord works sometimes... antoine of course never showed up, but if we hadn´t made that appt and been on that bus (another story and miracle) sitting in those seats, we would never have found her. It was such an amazing experience. Ah i cant even describe it! So cool. But yes that´s are money 3rd investigator. And we picked up Herr B last night, he´s an older man who really has a tough life, we had an awesome first lesson and we´re excited to see where he goes! It´s so cool bringing the gospel into these people´s lives, in a different language, i cant even describe the feeling! So pray for them, they are all going to be amazing. And the 7 solid appointments these next few days should bring more miracles hopefully! It´s funny though, most all of our appointments are with girls, and the majority of those are with younger ones. We already starting to be the joke of the zone. Elder B´s so funny with that. He´s always saying how he´s always had that problem and that i´m going to inherit it from the family genes.But this is the age the Brethren want us to work on here, the young single adults. We´re super excited though, we live right next to the University so we´re going to really be trying to do work with the youth.  It´s exciting, we´ve had lot´s of awesome discussions witht he students here. Oh and we´re tight with The Döner Man.  Haha we contacted him the other day on the street and it turns out he owns the Döner shop like right under our Wohnung. If you dont know what döners are, they are just the most amaying sandwiches ever! So ya we´re getting a lot of Books of Mormon placed down there in his shop and hopelfully we´ll start getting some sweet deals on döners!
Well anyways, it´s just been a solid week here. So pretty, so busy, so many eating appointments. (the ward is money here) but ya,anywhos, we´re going to go to the Christmas market now, look at some stuff. But hope everyone back home has a great week. Love to here from anyone back home! Take care!
   -Elder Ott

Monday, November 22, 2010

Kiel- Part 2

So my address here is:
Schweffel Strasse 22
24118 Kiel
You can post that for letters and stuff. And it looks like ill have time to read emails more, but its still a bit more expensive so keep writing, we´ll see hos it all works out. Any packages tho by the way have to be sent to the Mission Office in Berlin, that´s the Zerbster Strasse address.
I´m really doing super good tho. This is the coolest city ever and is just such an adventure! Couldnt be happier. Ya it´s frustrating as heck sometimes, but hey, i´m on a mission!
Oh man the food is good here. They never drink water tho, theres no such things as drinking fountains and public restrooms are super rare and cost money so those things have been the biggest change really. But for the most part things are pretty similar to america, only cooler cuz they´re german haha. Had mzy first dönner the other day. SOOO amazing. Dad would LOVE them. The just spin meat on a spick and shave of the seasoned crispy outside into pita bread with all sorts of good sauce. Oh i´ll send pics. Every missionary has to have pics of their first dönner. Ha man it´s so good. The cheese and bread here is to die for too! Which by the way, ive decided if you, mom and dad, want to pick me up im totally game with that now. All i think of sometimes is how much i want my family to experience these things, europe really is cool. Berlin was pretty epic. The churches here are pretty cool too. And it´s sooo diverse. We got into an argument with a muslim the other day, ha and by we i mean i started talking to him and Elder B finished the conversation after i started an argument haha. It was like a good 10 mins long. But ya, lots of blacks, black german is so so cool, and we´ve talked to a Budhist, baptist, and some other religions other than protestant and cotholics which are big here. The Jehova´s witnesses do a lot of work over here too as it turns out. Elder B is like a pro basher tho, so money. He admits it´s fruitless, and i dont plan on ever doing it, but he has a great knowledge of the scriptures that i hope to learn from. Im already sad he´s going home in 2 transfers, i just want to stay my whole mission with him. But ya, i´m his last comp. He seems to like me too which is really cool.
So the big mission thing right now is having a ´white christmas´ or in other words, having a baptism before christmas.  Obviously we´ve been put in a less than desirable position to do that, but we have the faith, really help us with prayers tho. It´s seemingly impossible, but we know we can and will get it done. I really hope things work out with this Polish girl personally. So ya anyways, prayers would help.
So hopefully i´ll be able to get you some pictures here soon, i have no idea how im going to do that, but we´ll see i guess, i´ll try. I dont have a whole lot, but i´ll try to get some done.
Oh ya, the trains here are so cool, we took a bullet one up here to Kiel, it was the coolest thing ever. Apparentlz it´s rare that we get to take one, but the AP´s got permission to splerge on us because we were leaving the Mission home late and it´s a bit longer of a way to kiel.
Oh kiel actually has the best american football and the best handball team in all of europe. I thought that was pretty cool.
Ha so one of the teachers i knew really well in the MTC was one of the last people to live in our wohnung (appartment) before the area closed. It´s been about 4 and half months since someone´s lived there. It´s weird doing area book work on investigators she was the last person to teach. Ha, ya we just got an area book two days ago, it´s like way old. The ZL´s inherited all the investigators from before, so we starting fresh. Oh and Elder B knew Brother W really well, in fact Brother W said to watch out for Elder B before we left the MTC, haha cool or what?
President Pimental is totally awesome. Completely loving and kind. And the ap´s likewise. HA they have the worst job in the world tho i´ve decided.
Well anyway, i gotta run here, Elder Schär invited us over to have some swiss cheese fondeau? dont know how to spell it. And the DL is just getting here from Neumünster to visit, so should be a nice day.
Love you all, hope all is well, have an awesome week and i´ll do the same ja?
Proverbs 25:25 ja?
Love you so much, take care!
Bis nächste monntag, machts gut! Tchüss!
-Elder Ott

Assignment: Kiel!

Oh... hello
This is Elder Ott writing from a little country called Germany (that´s in Europe) and as it turns out i´m in europe also. Sitting in a little internet cafe, Californiw Gurls playing on the radio, it´s supre weird. I havent heard this kind of blaspheme for weeks. This keyboard is super weird too, so if i replace a few of my y´s with z´s bare with me. They´re reversed. Well anzwho, so i bet you´re wondering where in the world i am, in Germany, well that´s way cool they didnt tell you, haha i could totally keep this a secret like my whole mission haha. Well i´m actually in the most amazing city ever. When i was in the MTC one of my teachers actuallz talked about it and i decided i wanted to go there, and just like with my mission call, when i read my golden letter that´s where i got called to. And with the exact trainer i wanted to, we actually talked and sat next to eachother at dinner before i read my call. So i´m in a beautiful town called Kiel, it´s up by the Baltic Sea. It´s an awesome, gorgeous harbor town with about 250000 people. And here´s the coolest part, ha we´re opening up a new area! And my trainer was only here for 5 mins before he came to get me. Ya we´re doubled in to a new area ha. No teaching pool, no knowledge of the lay out of the city, ya it´s an adventure and a half! But i wouldnt trade it for the world. Its the coolest this ever. My trainer has been out 21 months and his name is Elder Badger, he´s pretty much the cooles guy ever. We´re having such a good time. I´m just so blessed. And then our city actually has the Zone Leaders in it. Elder Schär from Switzerland and Elder Chimpf from Washington. They are the stinking coolest elders ever. They have a money car too, so it´s nice when the make it down to take us places. Ha actually we might be taking this car this week to do some stuff and since my comp doesnt have a German license and you can drive on a utah one for 6 months here, ha guess who might be driving this week? Ya, crazy. So the language is super hard as it turns out. Apparently the speak better German here in Germany than they do in America. Like faster and with slang and what not. So i´ve gotten good with my Golden (we dont us greeny in this mission) 'hi im just happy to be here smile`'  ha works like a charm. It hasnt really stopped me from talking to people tho. Naturally these last 3 days have been ALL contacting, but Elder Badger always has my back if i talk myself into a hole. Í actuallz made mz first teaching appointment the other day. Ha it was with a like drop dead gorgeous polish girl, she has the cutest little polish accent ever, it was really cool. So im really excited for that, not because she´s absolutely beautiful, that´s not why im here, but because she is super nice and i know the gospel can bless her life. Ha the girls here are really really really pretty tho. But anyways, the ward here is one of the most studly in Germany. We´ve had 4 eating appointments already! German food is sooooooooooooooooooooooo bomb. Ugh i love it! Not so much the cabbage, but i´ll get used to it.  Anyway, we made 7 or so teaching appointments this last week, which i guess is super good, ha i have no idea i´m so wide eyed and golden, but that´s really cool. We´ve already dropped by on a few members, ha oh my gosh there´s this one member named ushi, she is the most CRAZY lady ever. She´s like 75 and super huge. So we went by on her, i think it was a joke by the zl´s, and we buzzed her and all the sudden we here this big yell out the window in her wohnung in the slums, and when we get up there she answered the door completelz naked! Ugh i almost puked. The place smelled so bad! Ugh it´s sad. But she got some clothes on and we tought her, i didnt understand a word she said, but she was the funniest person i´ve talked to ever in spite of that. The zls and mz comp were crying they were laughing so hard. So it was the most scarring but funnest experience ever. All the other members are a bit more sane luckily. I lucked out on Sunday big time too, i guess it was the primarz program, my comp says he hasnt ever even seenn one here. So that was reallly cool. Little kid German is the best thing EVER! It´s so cool. Ha it´s funnz too, babies like understand more than i can sometimes, it´s reallz cool.  My comp likes to give kids warheads here because they dont reallz have sour candy, so their reactions are priceless! So if you ever want to send warheads, please do! I´ll bring back some good videos in return haha. Even the adults cant handle it. We made on of the danish missionaries in the MTC promise he wouldnt spit one out, and he cried! So it´s funny.  Well anyway, so ya the language is a lot harder than i had hoped. It´s weird, like all the missionaries, even the natives, speak English wish each other, so im not always as emersed as i would even like to be, but Elder Badger assures me my German is excellent for a Golden and it will get better, so i trust him completely, he´s trained before. I just CANNOT WAIT until i feel completely fluent. I´s über frustrating sometimes, but it´s nice and humbling and it gives me drive to do better. I thrive off that Humble feeling at this point ha. Well anyway, i could talk for hours i feel like, but that would be expensive so ill just wrap it up with this last little thought.  When we got here we were able to got to a special grove of trees where the Berlin Wall once stood, where we read some of the prophesies of Präsident Monson and Elder Uchtdorf for this land, we then where able to find space alone to dedicate our missions to the <Lord. I could never begin to describe the feeling i felt there. It had been raining the past few days and we had prayed for it to clear up so we could make it there (it´´s a bit out in the mud) and sure enough the next morning it did. And i do not lie when i tell you that as soon as the last amen was said there that day the rain began again. I cannot talk about all my feelings that day i felt as i prayed standing in the no mans land where that great wall once stood, but i can tell you this, the tender mercies of the ´Lord will touch EVERYONE who seeks to serve him. I will not ever deny that now. I have seen the hand of the Lord in my life more in the past few weeks that ever before, and i openly acknowledge i do not deserve most of what i have been given, but that´s what makes God so great. From my call, to the people i met on the plan i prayed for, to my first area, to my trainer, i know that God knows me. This is his Church. It´s the true church. Great things will happen here shortly, and i´m here to help prepare for and participate in them, i see that more clearly than ever. To whoever may read this, know that i have a firm testimony of these things. Find ways to serve the Kingdom. Member refferals are 100x´s more effective than street contacting, do whatever you can. You will be blessed. I hope the Lord blesses your lives this next week as he has mine. Take care, i love you all! Hoorah for Israel!
-Elder Ott
p.s. Shout out/congrats to Rachel Thorley! First person to write me in Deutschland
p.p.s Go DHHS BBALL! (to bad so sad Hurricane)
p.p.p.s The church is true!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Week 9 from Germany!

Wow, so i'm finally here in Germany. Ha. It's like the coolest place on earth.  The mission office on Zerbster Strasse is soo cool. The whole street is just total legit Germany. Ugh it's just so awesome.:) The mission home from where i'm writing this email is pretty awesome too.  I'm so tired tho, i probably got about only 45 mins of sleep total combined between both flights, so i'm really feeling the jet lag.  I just woke up from a nap to go into my interview with President Pimentel, he's the coolest man ever! It was so cool seeing his brother in NYC, but ya he's awesome.
So after i got off the phone in NYC i turned around and saw my companion arguing with a Baptist family. They were talking about baptisms for the dead and were pulling out all sorts of scriptures and deep doctrine stuff. I could feel contention. So i walked over and said hello to them, they quickly told me i was naiive and waisting my time out here. I just bore my testimony and told them i knew these things and no one could take that away from me. She paused for a moment, told me i was well "trained" and told me we'd just have to agree to disagree. It was pretty sad seeing a heartfelt testimony written off, but you know all you can do is be nice, remember God loves every one equally.:)
So i placed another Book of Mormon on my flight, only this time in German. I placed one on my first flight to an Englishmen named Paul. But this German one was special, we talked mostly in German about religion for 3 straight hours non stop. She was a gorgeous 26 year old woman named Caroline. She was really a special spirit and was very interested in the message. She doesnt really believe in God but said she would like too, we talked over a lot. Basically i went thru the first 2 lessons in German. Then i gave her a Das Buch Mormon and she said she'd read it and then i gave her a passalong card with my address so she could write when she had questions. She's going to get baptized in this life, i just feel it. :)
Well thus we see Heavenly Father answeres prayers, i prayed to these oppurtunities long before i left the MTC and prepared for them. It was SO cool. Nerve racking and scary, but soooo cool!
Well nothing much else to say, i'm here, i'm lovin it, and i'm feeling great! Can't wait to get my assignment tomorrow and find out where i'm going! So many possibilities! So exciting.
So P-days are monday i guess, so i'll let you know then?
Love ya all, thanks for the letters and prayers. Take care!  Machts gut!
-Elder Ott

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Week 8

Hallo! Wie gehts wie stehts?
Wow, so here're my last e-mail from the MTC, Coolo. Wow i have a lot to talk about...
Well so first off, for all of you who dont know, Elder Bednar came to the MTC on Tuesday. HA. 4 straight apostles! Maybe it's like a new thing. But it was an amazing way to end my stay here. He spent 45 mins just chucking mind grenades of pure knowledge at us. He really tought some amazing things, and invoked amazing apostelic blessings.  He tought us the difference between doctrines, principles, and applications. He said he could "care less" about our numbers on our mission. It's non important whether or not you teach, what is important is that you HELP people to UNDERSTAND true doctrine every day.  Doctrines are true teachings revealed by God pertaining to our eternal welfare. Principles are guidlines based from those doctrines. And applications are ways we apply principles. He changed the way i'll study and teach forever. He said 90% of the time we focus on applications to teach, and use them to solve problems. True doctrine understood however, changes people forever. If we understand the doctrine, that's what will help us BECOME what we know we should become. Teaching purely applications is really useless. Ya... he was pretty bold at times... haha but it was awesome. He's such a prophet. :)
Well we had another fun meeting too the other day. Foreign Missionary Health LGM! That was so fun! It was so fun to here about all the diseases all the other missionaries will have to deal with.:) Haha truly horrific stories. It was funny to watch there faces as he told them. Haha, it was so fun. Glad i'm going to Germany :)
Oh ya, guess who was Elder Hatch's host Missionary!? Ya, me. :) I weasled my way into it. It was sooooo good to see him. He looks great and really was handling everything very well. I won't really see him around much, he's not anywhere close to where i live, learn, or really do anything. Schedules are totally different. But still it was awesome to see him and help him get settled in.  Brought back memories for me seeing the little orange dot on his name tag and looking at mine i wear on the back of my name tag now. It's such a vast experience here, i just dont know how to describe it, but it was so weird having been here for 8 weeks and then see your best bud just get started down the same path. Really cool. :) 
Speaking of which i've seen Elder Mike Sharp a couple times too. It's crazy how different you see people out here. It's been cool to talk to him a bit.
So i'm at an extrememly awkward time in my life right now. I'm at the point where i speak German and English so interchangably and often that i really cant speak either well. Ha my English has just plummited as you can probably tell by my awkward phrases when writing. It's like i just wish i could speak one language decently! Is that so much to ask! Ha bleh. Oh well, it's fun speaking Danglish with all the other German missionaries. Conjegating english verbs to the German past tense is probably one of my favorite past times.:) I hadreally really awesome teaching appointment in the TRC Tuesday tho. We tought the 2nd lesson in German and it went really really well. Haha and i have my first German Joke!!! Ok, so when you teach the 3 kingdoms, the last one is called the 3rd Kingdom ya know? Which in German is Reich. So the 3rd reich? Get it? With Hitler? Tee hee.Cever. A bit blasphemous tho... so i probably wont use it. But still, it's my first German joke! And it's really hard to make new jokes in another language.:)
Oh ya, so pretty much i fly out Tuesday Morning by the way, i forgot to bring my darn plans, so i'll throw the exact times in a letter. I leave the MTC 5am and fly out of SLC to JFK where i'll have a 4 hour layover. So that's probably where i'll call from. around 3 in the afternoon or so? I'll try to work out when. Let me know what time is best. But hey NYC! Always wanted to go there so i'm super super stoked for that.
As far as other things i need packages... not really much. Just as many pictures as you can find. Family, Friends, Basketball. I'd love more pictures. Most everything else i can do without or find somewhere for myself.
So what else to say? Well i learned this week to really take more responsibilty for myself. That was something i took out of Elder Bednar's ansprache. When things go really good it's easy to take credit and be ungrateful. When things go not so good it's easy to say "well the companion though gavest me.." But all in all, all success comes from the Lord. It's all a gift like Elder Bednar said. The rest is just for us to be teachable and correct ourselves to become better.:)
How lucky are we to have the Gospel in our lives!!! Think of that this week! We are so fortunate. Let's all share it better. We should be missionaries for life
Love everyone, have a wonderful week here in America :)
-Elder Adam Ott
P.S Have fun a Sadies Ler :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 7

Hola! Guten Tag
That's MTC German.
Well another week has passed. 12 days till Germany, wow. Should be getting our flight plans today, so can't wait for that. Last week i was über excited to get out of here, and now im super nervous to leave. Well we'll see how it all goes this week i guess.
So first off, i dont know if you all will believe this, but Elder Ballard came and spoke to us this last week. :) It has been 14 years since back to back apostles came, and i dont think they've ever had an apostle 3 times in a row! It's UNHEARD of! Super crazy awesome. Haha, it's actually kinda sad, we're already getting spoiled. We figured someone big was coming and when Elder Ballard walked thru the door we were like "Aw man... couldnt they at least send a 1st presidency member down here, do they even care?" Haha not really, but you could definitely feel that we were getting "used" to it. He tought how to become a "master communicator" it was pretty awesome. All the teachers here at the MTC are fuming with jealousy.:) It's so crazy, 6/24's of ALL the apostles have spoken to us!
So i have another wonderful teaching appointment story about my companion. So we were teaching a progressive investigator in the T.E the other day (in English) and were preparing her for baptism. We've tought her for like 6 weeks. So anyway, we were talking about obedience and somehow we got to where she staged the question "so why can't Elder's swim?" I figured this would be an easy answer because we had just talked about the blessings that come from being obedient even when we may not fully understand why. So right before i was about to answer haha my companion jumps in and says, in all seriousness "well you see we believe Satan controls the water... Elder Ott tell them about your ancestor who died in the water on his mission...(refering to Alma Ott who died on his mission after catching pneumonia from falling of a boat ramp)" haha i had no idea what to say. I'd heard that theory before, i never thought much of it. Well we got the lesson back on course somehow, and now my invesitgator knows my my ancestors story. I'll never forget the look on her face tho, "Satan controls the water." haha. Good stuff
So i dont know who all may ever read this, but if anyone has Julia Chipman's or Ashley Wade's address i could use it, one of Dixie State's soccer players is here going to my mission. Her name is like Tawnya Smith i think? She's really awesome. So i'm curious to know if either of them know her, she didnt play this last year of course, so she doesnt know them, but she wants to tell the soccer team hi. :)
So another fun experience i had yesterday, I got to be a HOST ELDER! It was pretty stinkin fun. It brought back memories of my first day. Just a total dear in the headlights glazed over look, haha love it.  My first Elder was from St. George believe it or not! He graduated from Dixie High in '09. He knew Kaitlyn Davies and Catherine Dodart and all those people. Really awesome guy, going to Mexico, named Elder Crowell or something? Croweth? Cant remember.:)  My second Elder, Elder Redford is going to Charleston South Carolina where dad went. He was really nervous, but they'll both be great. They are both in my residence hall so i took em some jerky last night and they're doing well. Funny story tho, i picked up a sister and when she got out of the car i thought she was a mom dropping off a missionary, ha so i was like looking through the car for him and stuff, but nope, she was the missionary.:) Very embarrassing, she's 26 tho, crazy! Good for her! We always need more sisters. And i may have wormed my way in to doing it next week, so Butch, i'm looking for ya. ;)
So heard from Elder Spilker yesterday, he's doing very well. Went contacting the other day and got 8 referals and placed a book of Mormon! He was way excited, that's pretty cool. He's so money.  Elder Emett's Visa didnt go through yet so i get another week seeing him around here. Oh and i've seen Elder Kaden Leavitt a lot around to. He got here a week ago, he leaves the same day i do. He looks great! His first day he didnt seem to be doing too hot, but then again neither was i haha, so i talked to him and he seems to really be doing well. He just looks and feels like an awesome Elder. Heard from Elder Georgia too last week, he's doing well down in Guatemala, it was fun to hear from him. So many good people doing so many good things.
Well other than that, not much else happenin. MTC Volleyball ist am Besten! We got to go off campus to walk to a pharmacy the other day and that was cool. Got to see a child for the first time in who knows how long, his mom came and introduced him to "the missionary" haha it's so weird going out into "the world" from here in the MTC. But it makes you so excited to get out and going.
Well hope everything keeps going well for everyone. Love you all!
-Elder Ott
p.s. Write if ya wanna :)
pps thanks d rock :)