Hey Everyone!
Man this week was a long one, totally crazy, so much
tracting so little time! Haha a lot of our investigators are gone on summer
vacation and we are just finding finding finding a lot. Couple that with the
heat wave that ravaged Braunschweig this week and it made for one of those
weeks where you just have to say to yourself, "Sacrifice brings for them
blessings of heaven!" That was pretty much the motto of one of my transfers in
Dresden and it has helped me ever since. I think I´ve neglected to mention that
I usually develop themes to my transfers. I was looking back through some of my
old planners and reading some of my thoughts I had written in them and it´s been
a fun experience. Some of my favorite themes include, "I can do hard things," "I
am nothing," (Mosiah 4) "Count sacrifice a bargain," "Destroy the natural man," "No
excuses," "Work like everything depends on you, pray like everything depends on
Him," and I can't remember off the top of my head my other ones I´ve collected.
But yes, this week was one of sacrifice.
We had a couple fun
experiences doing doors this week. Summer is just not good in Europe. Clothes
become more and more scarce and it´s bad with the girls, but sadly it´s almost
worse with the guys when you´re knocking on their doors haha. I don't know how
many people answered the door without major articles of clothing, but even just
one man without pants is too much, and this week, we had TOO much haha. I don't
remember if it´s like that in America or not, but it´s pretty bad here. Also,
deodorant isn't necessarily in abundance here either, and when you get stuck on a
tram packed full of people in the city in a traffic jam in 35° weather plus the
greenhouse effect that comes with having no AC, it becomes almost unbearable
haha. SOOO hot and so stinky. We were literally just standing there dripping in
sweat and hardly had enough room to wipe it off us. Being outside so much is
also contributing to my wonderful mission tan lines I´ll get to sport with pride
back home. They consist of a white ring midway up my neck, farmer's tan lines
down to almost my elbow, and pale white legs. First thing I´m throwing on at
home is a V-neck and Jordan shorts and then we´ll see how many people get
vertigo from the multiple layers of color in my skin haha.
We found a
really really cool new guy though and had an awesome first lesson with him. He
was a hard core drug addict who did a complete, radical 180 with his life, and
he´s just the coolest guy ever so we´re excited for him. We also found a cool
family from Italy I´m excited to work with. Oh, we did have a crazy sad
experience though this week. We were teaching a single mother from Angola and
during our visit Social Services totally came and took her daughter. It was the
saddest thing ever. Made me see then importance of having two parents in the
household. It´s possible without both but it sure plays a risk and we literally
saw the pain it can bring. I love my family!
Sunday was a cool day. A
family from Murray, Utah, came to church with their exchange student they brought
back home and his mom came too. He´s super interested in the church but the
mother is skeptical. Anyways, it was cool to see a big American family and
they´re totally the neighboors of one of my favorite RM´s from this mission so
it was cool. Also a guy from Munich was visiting a family in the ward, and he
looked soooo familiar but I couldn't figure out why. He just so happened to be
there at our eating appointment after church and after talking I realized who he
was. He is a RM who served 6 months in Prenzlau and was the last Elder to
baptise there before I got there few years later. It was really cool to talk
with him about that place and reflect on the good memories.
Well not
much else to report. This week is going to be a challenge in and of itself. I
asked a doctor in the ward to look at one of my feet that´s given me some
problems the last 5 months or so to get some antibiotic/inflammatory stuff and
he said no question it needs to be operated on immediately so I have to go and
get it done this week which means at least 3 days in bed.:( But we´re going to
get it better and finish strong. In the meantime we´ll reorganize the area book
and do some paperwork and clean the apartment. It stinks, but it´s part of life,
and it will be nice to have the pain gone. Have a great week at home, keep the
missionaries in your prayers, thanks for everything!
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