Monday, June 25, 2012

Week of June 25 from Braunschweig

Moin moin!

Man this week was super emotional for me.  I think it had a little bit of everything in it.  I don't really even know where to begin....

The week started out pretty good.  My golden had his first JW confrontation and that was a lot of fun for him... not really haha but we´ve decided everything we do with a good attitude can be fun, so ya. But it was a good meeting and we got to bear some good testimony before things went off the deep end. Those are always fun appointments. The next day though we bounced back strong and had an awesome day and found a new family. It´s a single mother and 3 kids from Angola.  They speak German and Portugese and are pretty cool. We taught them twice this week and I´m anxious to see what kind of progress they make.

Wednesday was one of the absolute hardest days of my life. We had zone conference in Hannover and it was time to say goodbye to the Pimentels. Overall it was a great meeting with lots of inspiring lessons to be learned, but at the end of the day it was dominated for me by the pains of transition. It´s something you learn to cope with on your mission and I thought that I had grown used to it, but I was wrong. I remember shedding lots of tears having to say goodbye to my first companion and I remember shedding tears having to say goodbye to my first city.  I´ve had to lose lots of comps and change lots of city since, and each time it got better and better, but losing your mission president rocks your world haha. Their son came all the way over to Braunschweig with the train and stayed the night with me to say goodbye, so that was awesome to see him again, but then morning came and we all met with president and his wife our last time. I choked up a bit just at the beginning, but then we split up into districts and President and Sister P came by to spend just a few moments with each missionary personally and say an official goodbye and that´s when I lost it. I broke down weeping in President´s arms, and it was hard to let go. He left some great words of wisdom though and it´s good to know that I´ll see him again soon in the States. I have no doubt in my mind that one of the reasons I felt so strongly to come immediately out on my mission instead of go to a semester of school was so that I could serve with President and his wife. Life goes on though, and I´m excited to meet the new president next week.

Well after I had somewhat composed myself it was back to the streets and missionary work. The rest of the week was filled with appointments and finding. We got back in contact with a lost investigator who we met in a bakery on P-day (miracle) and worked through a lot of problems with other investigators. We also had the baptismal interview for our baptismal canidate and everything went well. Haha my golden had his first interesting eating appointment. A member asked him if he´d rather have German rouladen (an amazing dish of meat wrapped up in herbs) or salted herring with onions and he, not understanding fully the question, choose the latter haha so that´s what we had. I had heard some pretty bad things about the dish, but it turned out not to be so bad actually... not sure my comp felt the same way.:) Sometimes it´s a lesson you have to learn though- understand before saying yes. :) The next day though we had an eating appointment with a new member and an investigator poorly planned with 2 hours space in between. The first one stuffed us full of amazing Chinese food and then the next one made a spicy rice chicken dish and I have probably never come so close to popping from overeating in my life! It was so good, but soooo much. Could have used some alka-seltzer... but my mom and dad could tell you that we don't mix too well sometimes. ;)

Sunday was the baptism, it was amazing. And we FINALLY got one of our investigators to come to church on that day so it was great. Over 60 members were at the service and there wasn't enough room in the font room to watch the baptism. He has so many good relationships and is going to fit right in and be a fabulous member in the ward! I love baptism. :)

Well I can't think of too much more to report on. If anyone has any questions, feel free to write. I´ve only got 8 more weeks, and hopefully my mail fast doesn't last the remainder of my time haha. Have a great week!

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