Monday, June 4, 2012

Week of June 4 from Braunschweig

Hello everyone!

Well, transfer calls came on Saturday as expected and... I WILL FINALLY GET A GOLDEN!! The long awaited day has finally arrived and my mission family line will finally continue! :) I´m pretty excited if you haven't been able to tell already. Training was like the one thing I wanted to do on my mission, but it´s somehow eluded me the past 21 months, so it will be great to finally finish my mission with a golden. Wednesday I will head off to Berlin to spend the night with a good friend from high school in the mission who is currently serving in Berlin, and then Thursday morning I will pick him up and we´ll get back in the afternoon. It will be a new challenge, but one I´m anxious to take on.

This last week was a good week. We got invited over by lots and lots of members, and the food is just so good and they just keep on stuffing us... haha I have no idea what to do. I hope my next companion likes running because we are going to have to step it up these next two transfers if we don't want to explode from all the food. It´s great to get to know all of the members here a little better though. Yesterday we were by this amazing family with a bunch of little girls who are just the cutest little girls I´ve ever seen, anyway, they were asking us what our favorite animals were, and since I don't really know how to say platypus in german, I just said it was a unicorn. Haha they all freaked out and the gave me a toy unicorn when I left... it is now a paper weight on my desk at home. So many wonderful strong members though. This month is "The Month of Invitation" and so we´ve been encouraging people to invite friends to come out to church and yesterday we filled almost the entire chapel.  It was really awesome. The members here are just so full of faith and such great examples.

Most all of our baptismal dates are coming out to church regularly now. We´re hoping to get 2 down before June 24.  One of them is struggling with some visa stuff, but the other is super strong and is going to be a great member! I´m excited to really cash in this transfer and see a lot of miracles. No one else in the district was transfered, which was a big surprise, so we´ll see if we can all get our baptismal dates down in the next two transfers. It should be great!

So one of the highlights this week was getting together with some Chinese investigators and friends and playing some basketball. The Chinese are pretty good! A little bit unorthodox at times, but effective nonetheless. It was pretty enjoyable. It´s a great way to pick up contact with some new people too, and hopefully it adds a few more people to our pool. I was looking back on this transfer's numbers, and we´ve really just been super blessed. We taught about 140 lessons, and found 23 new investigators.  It´s pretty unheard of and I just hope we can continiue to work hard and see the blessings!

Well sorry this email is a bit shorter.  I don't have a whole lot of time to write today.  We need to head to Hannover here soon.  We´re going to go play some basketball and I´ll get to say goodbye to one ex-companion and some other friends who will be going home this transfer. ;( Have a great week back home though.  Love ya lots!

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